KonMari'd my House

I bought The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up years ago, when it first came out, and then read a bit and ignored it. However, the Netflix series completely mesmerised me, and I've now gone back and re-read the book.

I find the subtle (and not-so-subtle) critiques of Marie Kondo to be incredibly frustrating. For example, she's not saying that YOU have to only have 30 books, that's just the number that works for her. Also, treating inanimate objects as valued things, "waking up" the books and thanking clothes before you send them on their next journey is not "woo-woo," it's Shinto. Also, if you're not bothered by your excess stuff, then this is not for you!

Sorry, rant over.

Things I have thanked, and sent on their way:
  • a terrifying number of socks with holes in them
  • two pair of socks which have never fit and actually hurt my feet when I wore them
  • my rugby shirt (used for field hockey) at Oundle school, circa 1992
  • what appeared to be every Christmas card I've ever received
  • a box of Unidentified Electronic Cables and floppy discs (yes, floppy discs) which I think may have been my ex-husband's but he hasn't asked for them in over 5 years and I've PAID SOMEONE to move them (twice)
Things I am working up the gumption to get rid of:
  • a bunch of underwear with holes in it (as soon as I buy some replacements)
  • some really dorky (and warm!) shoes which have served me well but which no longer fit
  • the Miscellaneous House Stuff Which I Might Need But I Haven't Needed In 2 Years And Don't Know What I Might Need It For in the cupboard under the stairs
The teddy bears have mentioned that they are worried, but they definitely spark joy, so they're staying.

Also, once I released all my random rubbish, the universe (via Charlie's mum) then provided an absolutely gorgeous floor lamp, the perfect finishing touch in my living room.
